Victor’s March 2021 Update

Friday Hangs Launches in 2021!


Praise God for a really great three weeks of Friday Hangs! I was firstly thankful to God for such a faithful team that helped serve and get to know the youth. He was really kind and surprised me in bringing 25 different youth contacts across the three weeks, a majority coming from our local Scripture classes with a couple from walkups as well!

We had a great time playing sport, board games, challenges and the youth engaged well with the Bible stories (The Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18, Jesus comes to call Sinners in Mark 2, Jesus Anointed by a sinful woman in Luke 7). Ronaldo and I memorised these stories and asked roughly 4 questions to small groups led by our leaders where we would facilitate discussion. We were encouraged by the youth’s keen attitude in answering and relationships started to build over the three weeks as well!

One prayer point we had earlier this year was for God to provide wisdom on whether or not Friday Hangs would be effective in engaging the local youth of Parramatta with God’s Word. We believe He’s graciously answered that where youth came and engaged well with it, were keen to come back along (our leaders were also keen to come back woo!) We’re looking forward to a re-launch in Term 2! Just wanted to thank you for your prayers, it’s been a great encouragement for me in the midst of my own worries to see you support God’s work in Parramatta especially for this ministry. I’ve been personally challenged to keep trusting God with this especially in that He would bring youth to come and know Him. 


After reflecting on the past month, it’s been pretty heavy mentally and emotionally. With the mixed events of a couple of church funerals, struggles with Scripture, needing to trust God with the worries of leading Friday Hangs, a lack of rest on a couple of weeks, sermon prep, dealing with a sports injury and challenges in dating coming all at once, it’s felt hard. This has also impacted my own devotional life with personal Bible reading/prayer times being more of a box to tick particularly on the long days rather than a delight which I needed to address. But through it all, I’ve been really thankful to God for sustaining me and showing me my clear need to trust Him because I’m not the one who is in control. I’ve learnt and experienced that whilst ministry comes with its joys and challenges, God is still good and has provided wisdom in ensuring I reflect well on my rest day and to particularly remember to take care of myself for sustainable sacrifice. Ministry is a marathon rather than a sprint. Please pray that I’d be able to persevere and continue leaning onto Him even when things are hard!

Victor’s Prayer Points

  • Pray for wisdom in the planning stages of Friday Hangs for Term 2 and the Winter Study Hall
  • Pray that I may be able to prioritise my devotion life in the midst of busyness rather than view it as a ‘box to tick’
  • Pray for growth in godliness, that I would continue to delight in God’s Word and be a doer of it

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